
The Steelbird Air SBA-2 helmet is on trial at Fast Bikes India

Team Fast Bikes

Words: Ganesh Murthy

Are you in the lookout for a street helmet for everyday use that has a feel of a half face helmet but is actually a full face helmet with a long visor? The SBA-2 is the latest offering from Steelbird and we have been using it for the past three weeks at Fast Bikes India.

Let’s talk looks first. Initial impressions of the helmet sure generate some interest and make you examine the helmet from all angles. The full face visor is a first for Steelbird and is the highlight of this helmet. Air vents on top, and the C-shaped stainless dual steel mesh at the back complete the look of this stylish helmet.

Once you put it, it gives an uninterrupted field of vision, which we have discovered is great for our crowded streets. Unfortunately, the visor is a mirrored one, so you can only use it by day. Also, the helmet has a tight fit and this needs some time getting used to. My colleagues too felt the same about the fit.

I didn’t have a chance to try this for long rides, but on short rides, the helmet seemed fine and with that long visor the field of vision is truly fantastic. On the downside the chin guard is a bit too narrow for my liking. The straps are easy to adjust and it sits pretty tight without slipping while in motion and the long visor is a boon as it offers for city riding. The stretchable padding on the neckline, the cushion padding inside the helmet gives a comfortable feel for short rides and of course, with its stylish looks it grabs some eyeballs while doing so. The pricing of the SBA-2 helmet falls in the range of Rs 2399 to Rs 2699.